Dilthey's Historical Hermeneutics and Its Dilemma
Huang Xiaozhou(Guangxi University)
Abstract Dilthey has created a historical hermeneutics. The criticism of historical reasoning is a criticism of ability with which human beings know themselves, the society and history. Life is the foundation of Dilthey's philosophy. Everyone is anindividual and every national state is an individual too. Dilthey's historical hermeneutics extends from its early emphasis on the individualism of life experience to the general understanding of the universe of objective spirit. Dilthey was close to Hegel in the idea of objective spirit, but he would show an opposing attitude towards Hegel and enlightenment historical philosophy, going on his own way of romanticism and historism again when he explained the historical law, value and aim. Therefore, Dilthey was trapped into the unresolved dilemma which came from the incisive contradictory between romanticism-historism and enlightenment-positivism.
Key words Dilthey;historical reasoning;hermeneutics;objective spirit
■ 作者简介 黄小洲,广西大学马克思主义学院副教授,德国海德堡大学访问学者;广西 南宁 530004。