《论语·学而》“信近于义,言可复也”,朱熹释“复”为“践言”,为杨伯峻先生《论语译注》采纳。孙晓春认同何晏所释“信近于义”谓“信非义也”,“言可复也”谓“出言反复”,以为《论语译注》解读错误。杨、孙所提供两则《左传》的书证(僖公九年、哀公十六年)全同。 “践言”实为塙诂。其一,书证的归纳证明,先秦典籍中“近于......”,指与前者近似,并无“不是前者”的言下之意。其二,《左传·僖公九年》“能欲复言而爱身乎”孔颖达疏:“意能欲使前言可反复而行之,得爱惜身命不死乎?”书证的归纳证明,“能欲......而......乎”句式中“而”前后词语所表之义美恶相反。如此,“复言”只能是“践言”而不能是“出言反复”。其三,孔疏“反复而行之”谓“践言”。书证的归纳证明,“反复”作状语指“多次”;作谓语、宾语才是“反复无常”。其四,《国语·晋语二》记载同一事件的“岂能欲行吾言而又爱吾身乎”对应《左传·僖公九年》的“能欲复言而爱身乎”,可证“复言”即“行吾言”,也即“践行吾言”。其五,《国语·楚语下》谓“复言而不谋身”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”“皆有其华而不实者也”“爱而不谋长”“直而不顾”可归纳为“美而恶”,因此才“华而不实”,“复言而不谋身”亦当循此例,故“复言”只能是“践言”。这说明,当几则故训解释不同时,或当故训、文例产生矛盾时,应当主要依从文例。而孙先生采纳的何晏注,没有得到文例的支撑。
"Words Shall Be Responded" Means "The Fulfillment of Promise"
Yang Liuan(Hunan University)
Yang Fengbin(Shanghai University)
Abstract Xue'er of The Analects says, "If the said words are in accordance with justice, those words
shall have response". Zhu Xi interpreted the word "response" here as the fulfillment of promises, which were adopted by Mr. Yang Bojun in his Annotation of The Analects. Sun Xiaochun recognizes He Yan's interpreta‐ tion, which argues that "If the said words are in accordance with justice" should actually be" If the said words are not in accordance with morality", and "those words shall have response" should actually be "those words may not have response". Sun believes that Annotation of The Analects has a wrong interpretation. The exam‐ ple sentences provided by Yang and Sun are the same as those from The Commentary of Zuo. It can be con‐ cretely confirmed that "the fulfillment of promises" should be the right interpretation. First, by the inductive proof from examples in literature, "in accordance with" in the literature of pre-Qin period means "similar to the former"; it does not have the implication of "Not the former". Second, in the 9th year of the Duke Xi of The Commentary of Zuo, the sentence "how can you expect me to fulfill my promises while cherishing my life" was interpreted by Kong Yinda as "Fulfill one's promises again and again without considering personal gains and losses". By the inductive proof from examples in literature, the "while" (而) in this sentence pattern presents a reverse meaning of goodness and badness. Therefore, "response to words" can only be "the fulfill‐ ment of promises" rather than "the promises may not be fulfilled". Third, Kong also interpreted "Fulfill one's promises again and again" as "to live up to ones words". The inductive proof from examples in literature indi‐ cates that the "repetitiveness" represents "multiple times" when the word is used as an adverbial; it can only be interpreted as "play fast and loose" when this word is used as predicate and object. Fourth, in Jinyu II of Guoyu, the words "How can you expect me to live up to my words while demanding me to cherish myself?" that describe the same event as said before in the 9th year of the Duke Xi of The Commentary of Zuo can also prove that "response to words" is "to live up to my words", which is "the fulfillment of promises". Last, there exist such sentences from Chu Analects II of Guoyu, as "to fulfill the promises without considering personal gains and losses", "to love someone without thinking for him/her in a long term", "being straightforward with‐ out being considerate", and "all of which are flashy without substance". "To love someone but don't think for him/her in a long term" and "being straightforward without being misgiving" can be concluded as "being beautiful but ferrous", which leads to the "flashy without substance". The sentence "to fulfill the promises without considering personal gains and losses" shall also follow those examples. Therefore , "words shall be responded" can only be "the fulfillment of promises". What can be gained from the demonstration above is that when the ancient comments are different from each other or from the illustration drawn from similar sen‐ tences, the illustration shall be followed. However, He Yan's interpretation which Sun Xiaochun picks cannot be proved by any similar sentences.
Key words response to words; live up to words; fulfillment of promise; review of example sentence
■ 作者简介 杨柳岸,哲学博士,湖南大学岳麓书院助理教授;湖南 长沙 410082;
杨逢彬,文学博士,上海大学文学院教授;上海 200444。