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中国抗日战争的中流砥柱 ——美国卡尔逊上尉对中共敌后抗日根据地的考察及认知发布时间:2021-05-11  点击数:
作 者:胡德坤 卢晓娜

摘 要:

 受美国总统罗斯福之托美国海军上尉埃文斯·福代斯·卡尔逊在 1937 年底至 1938 年间两次造访中共敌后抗日根据地先后参观了山西八路军总部、中共中央所在地延安以及绥远、察哈尔等地。在跨越数千公里的漫长行程中卡尔逊详细记录了在中共抗日根据地的见闻及感受。他对中共抗战有了客观而深刻的认识并将考察结果以信件形式直接呈报白宫。作为首位到访中共敌后抗日根据地的美国军官卡尔逊的观察信件为美国高层展现了一个全新的中共及敌后战场。卡尔逊认为中国人民的抗战必将取得胜利中国共产党会成为抗战的主要动力。他还预言:中国的未来是属于中共的中国共产党是中国国家力量的源泉中共使中国有了成为世界伟大强国的希望。


The Communist Party of China is the Mainstay in China's Anti-Japanese War

Carlson's Survey and Opinions on the CPC's Base Filed Hu Dekun,Lu Xiaona(Wuhan University)


Abstract Entrusted by President Roosevelt,the Naval Officer Evans Fordyce Carlson came to China twice from 1937 to 1938. During his stay,he visited the bases behind the enemy's lines like the head-quarter of the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi,and the home of the central CPC in Yan'an,as well as Suiyuan and Cha har. Carlson's travel covered almost a few thousand miles of China's territory,during which he kept a de tailed record of what he saw,heard and felt,and sent it directly to Roosevelt's private secretary,LeHand in the form of correspondences. It can be observed from the correspondences that Roosevelt showed a deep in terest in Carlson's reports. As the first American Military Officer who visited anti-Japanese bases,Carlson's letters of observation provided a brand new image of the Communist Party of China and battlefields behind enemy lines for American top leaders,which is really a far cry from the National Government's usual propa ganda. In the letters to Roosevelt,Carlson presented his viewpoints:the Chinese people's Anti-Japanese War will absolutely be a total victory,the CPC is the hope of China's resistance against Japanese aggression,and the Communist Party is the source of China's national strength. Apart from that,Carlson also clearly made three predictions:China's future lies in CPC's side,CPC is the source of national strength in China and is the hope to lead China to become a powerful nation in the world.

Key words Carlson;anti-Japanese War;anti-Japanese bases;CPC' resistance;mainstay


 作者简介 胡德坤武汉大学人文社会科学资深教授武汉大学中国边界与海洋研究院、历史学院教授博士生导师; 湖北 武汉 430072;

