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论我国《民法典》网络侵权责任中的通知规则发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:
作 者:程啸
摘 要:



On the Rule of Notice in Cyber Torts of China Civil Code

Cheng Xiao (Tsinghua University)

Abstract The rule of notice plays an important role in cyber torts liability, helping coordinate the protection of the civil rights of rights holders and the freedom of reasonable behavior of internet users and internet service providers. It is also a concrete manifestation of the principle of fault liability. China Civil Code has comprehensively improved the rule of notice in cyber torts liability, such as requirements for notice and counter notice, conditions for internet service providers to take and terminate corresponding measures in a timely manner, and the liability of damages for wrong notice. There are both similarities and differences among the rule of notice, the red flag rule, injunction of personality rights and deletions in personal information rights. The no-fault liability should be applied to right holder’s liability of damages to internet users and internet service providers due to wrong notification.

Key words Civil Code; cyber torts; internet service provider; notification rules; tort liability; right to personal information; law of damages


■收稿日期 2020-08-02

■作者简介 程 啸,法学博士,清华大学法学院教授、博士生导师;北京 100084
