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企业数字领导力的结构维度及其影响——基于中国情境的扎根理论研究发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:
作 者:李燕萍 苗力
摘 要:

进入数字经济时代,数字技术对企业领导力作用的发生情境和影响力发挥的过程产生巨大冲击,对企业领导力提出了新的挑战。基于对 58 名中国企业领导访谈资料的扎根理论研究,构建企业数字领导力的结构维度及其影响的概念模型,并运用领导理论与高阶理论对模型进行诠释,可发现:企业数字领导力由数字化战略思维、数字化环境掌控、数字化组织变革、数字化人才发展、数字化沟通社交五个能力维度构成;企业数字领导力在宏观层面影响到产业环境的创新变革和科技社会效益,在组织层面通过作用于组织创新进而影响到组织绩效与发展,在个体层面影响到员工的创新能力与绩效。企业管理者应深入理解企业数字领导力的内涵特征,并以此进行企业数字领导力的开发,最终有效转化数字领导力,以提升组织绩效。


The Structural Dimensions of Enterprise Digital Leadership

And Its Impact

A Study of Grounded Theory in the Chinese Context

Li Yanping, Miao Li (Wuhan University)

Abstract In the digital era, digital technology has a huge impact on the situation of the role of corporate leadership and the process of exerting influences, and presents new challenges to corporate leadership. Based on a grounded theoretical study of interviews with 58 Chinese business leaders, this paper builds a conceptual model of the structural dimensions of corporate digital leadership and its effects, and uses leadership and high level theories to interpret the model. The research results show that corporate digital leadership is composed of five strategic dimensions: digital strategic thinking, digital environment control, digital organizational change, digital talent development, and digital communication and socialization. Corporate digital leadership affects industrial environment innovation and technology at a macro level, influences organizational performance and development by acting on organizational innovation at the organizational level, and affects employee innovation capabilities and performance at the individual level. Business managers must deeply understand the connotation characteristics of corporate digital leadership so as to develop their leadership and ultimately effectively transform digital leadership to improve organizational performance.

Key words digital transformation; digital leadership; structural dimension; organizational innovation; Chinese context; Grounded Theory


■收稿日期 2020-05-20

■作者简介 李燕萍,经济学博士,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师,湖北武汉 430072;苗 力,武汉大学经济与管理学院博士研究生。
