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关系社会学:迈向国际化的中国话语发布时间:2020-11-06  点击数:621
作 者:胡翼鹏
摘 要:



The Sociology of Guanxi : Chinese Discourse Towards Internationalization

Hu Yipeng (Wuhan University)

Abstract As a new branch of science, the sociology of Guanxi has faithfully fulfilled the discipline construction requirements as Chinese sociology shapes subjectivity and goes towards internationalization while continuing indigenization in the New Era. On the basis of applying theories of social network and social capital research, the sociology of Guanxi has reconstructed some of its theoretical propositions and measurement methods. On the one hand, the sociology of Guanxi has preliminarily constructed professional concepts and Chinese discourse system to analyze the phenomenon of Guanxiby matching foreign concepts with local facts, explaining cross-cultural connotation of local concepts, and constructing new concepts or propositions, so that it can effectively promote the interactive construction of the local concepts in China and the western theoretical framework. On the other hand, the sociology of Guanxi has strongly enhanced the matching degree between western concepts and socio-cultural phenomena in China, and has promoted the knowledge and practice ability of the Chinese sociological discourse so as to be embedded in the international sociological discourse system.

Key words the sociology of Guanxi; Chinese discourse; internationalization; construction of discourse system; discipline system; sociological theory


■收稿日期 2020-08-02

■作者简介 胡翼鹏,社会学博士,武汉大学社会学院副教授;湖北武汉 430072
