Constructing an Ecological Civilization Theory in Chinese Form
Wang Yuchen (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
Abstract Starting from the contradiction between isness and oughtness, the theory of ecological civilization can be divided into the ecological civilization theory as Instrumentalism or as Teleology, and it is shown in the contemporary time more specifically as being survival-oriented or pursuing the quality of life-oriented, and instrumental rationality based or value rationality based. Due to the limitations of research paradigms and value standpoints, contemporary ecological thoughts and ecological civilization theories not only make the above contradictions insoluble, but also lead to disputes and differences on issues such as ecological ontology and ecological axiology, making the study of ecological civilization either confuse ecological ontology and ecological axiology, or do not pay attention to the research of ecological ontology. In order to elucidate the connotation and characteristics of ecological civilization theory in Chinese form as unification of Instrumentalism and Teleology, we ought to distinguish between ecological ontology and ecological axiology as well as highlight the study of Marxist ecological philosophy ontology and Marxist anthropocentric values. The ecological civilization theory in Chinese form as Instrumentalism aims to help developing countries, including China, to maintain their own development rights and environmental rights, regards people-centeredness as the value destination of development and ecological civilization construction, and can be used as a concept of development to regulate people’s practical behaviors and promote the green development of nations. The ecological civilization theory of the Chinese form as teleology should be guided by the concept of community of common destiny for all mankind, adhere to the development concept of ecological civilization that respects and conforms to nature, and promote an organic combination of green development with global environmental governance. It has become an important issue for us to construct an ecological civilization theory in Chinese form as unification of Instrumentalism and Teleology, on the basis of Marxist ecological philosophy and with the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization.
Key words isness and oughtness; ecological civilization theory; instrumentalism and teleology; ecological ontology; ecological axiology
■收稿日期 2020-07-18
■作者简介 王雨辰,哲学博士,中南财经政法大学哲学院教授、博士生导师,中华文化发展湖北省协同创新中心兼职研究员,马克思主义理论与中国实践湖北省协同创新中心研究员;湖北武汉 430073。