On the Legalization of Financial Crisis Management in Financial Sector Amid the Ongoing COVID-19
Yin Zhentao, Chen Guanhua (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Abstract Financial crisis management is an important component of the public emergency management system. China has established an initial legal system for emergency management, which needs further improvement in the financial sector. The emergency management of the financial industry has unique characteristics, including multi-nationality, subsidiary, chronicity and conventionality, so its legalization faces many challenges. The emergency management in the financial sector should adhere to the principles of openness and transparency, legalization, the unity of responsibility, power, benefit and effectiveness, and the principle of respect for economic rules and business conventions. All entities should participate in emergency management activities according to laws and regulations. Financial regulators, in particular, should improve the emergency management in legalization and scientific policy-making, and guide financial enterprises and other capital mar- ket participants to improve their capabilities in financial emergency management.
Key words financial legalization; financial regulation; crisis management; COVID-19
■作者简介 尹振涛,经济学博士,中国社会科学院金融研究所副研究员、硕士生导师;北京 100028; 陈冠华,法学博士,中国社会科学院金融研究所博士后。