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新型主流媒体的叙事嬗变与话语创新发布时间:2020-06-30  点击数:705
作 者:刘果
摘 要:

新型主流媒体在新闻生产和传播领域的理念变革,带来传者框架和受者框架的重建,是其叙事话语嬗变的根本原因。其叙事嬗变和话语创新体现在叙事视角、叙事结构、叙事修辞等方面, 具体表现为内聚焦叙事视角的广泛采用(第三人称的叙事声音仍为主流)、三种新型叙事结构对传统新闻报道“倒金字塔”式结构的突破,以及体现真实、激活情感等新闻叙事修辞策略的拓新。其叙事话语表达的守正创新,可助力其消弭官方话语和民间话语之间的鸿沟、掌握舆论引导主动权与主导权和提高舆论引导“四力”。


Narrative Evolution and Discourse Innovation Of New Mainstream Media

Liu Guo (Hunan Normal University)


Abstract The change of the concept of new mainstream media in the field of news production and communication brings about a reconstruction of the frame of the messenger and the recipient, which is the fundamental reason for the evolution of narrative discourse. The narrative evolution and discourse innovation are reflected in such aspects as narrative perspective, narrative structure and narrative rhetoric, and more specifically, in the widespread adoption of internally focused narrative perspectives (the third-person narrative voice is still mainstream), the breakthrough of the three new narrative structures on the inverted pyramidstructure of traditional news reports, and the innovative use of news narrative rhetoric strategies that reflect reality and activate emotions. The innovative expression of narrative discourse helps to eliminate the gap between official discourse and folk discourse, grasp the initiative and dominance, and improve the four forces of public opinion guidance.

Key words         new mainstream media; narrative perspective; narrative structure; narrative rhetoric


■作者简介   果,文学博士,湖南师范大学新闻与传播学院教授、硕士生导师;湖南 长沙 410081
