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美国犹太教改革派的百年嬗变:三个向度的解读发布时间:2020-06-30  点击数:
作 者:傅有德
摘 要:

1885 年以来,美国改革派犹太教共发布了四个历史性文件。这四个文件反映出美国改革派犹太教在传统与现代之间、民族性与普遍性(个别性与一般性)之间、神圣性与世俗性之间时而激进前行、时而回归后进的历史轨迹,也可以见到那些改革派领袖们或澎湃激情、或犹疑徘徊的心理路程。其中,1885 年的《匹兹堡纲领》最为激进;1937 年的《哥伦布纲领》趋于保守,但仍然没有回归到位;1976 年的《旧金山纲领》回归到了改革派之最保守的形态,可谓矫枉过正;到 1999 年匹兹堡《原则声明》,一个偏于神圣或保守但仍然属于进步主义的美国改革派犹太教趋于稳定。


The Transformation of American Reform Judaism: A Tri-dimensioned Interpretation

Fu Youde (Shandong University)


Abstract Since the early 19th century, the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) has ac- knowledged the following four documents as the most significant in the history of American Reform Judaism, namely (1) The Pittsburgh Platform (1885), (2) The Columbus Platform (1937), (3) A Centenary Perspective (1976) and (4) Modern Statement of Principles (1999). This paper will try to interpret the four documents one by one in three dimensions: tradition and modernity, ethnicity and universality, holiness and secularity. I will demonstrate that first of all The Pittsburgh Platform in 1885 represents the radical reformers who, faced with the three dichotomies, uphold the second sides without condition; secondly, The Columbus Platform in 1937 shows obvious retreat from the radical position of Pittsburgh to Jewish nationality and holiness of life, though it still holds modern values in general; thirdly, The Centenary Perspective in 1976 marks a complete return to tradition, nationalism (or ethnicity) and holiness of Jewish life and keep distance from modernity, universalism and secularism; fourthly, The Statement of Principles in 1999 displays a stable form of Reform Judaism.

Key words reformers; tradition and modernity; ethnicity and universality; holiness and secularity; Pittsburgh Platform; The Guiding Principles of Reform Judaism; Reform Judaism: A Centenary Perspective; A Statement of Principles for Reform Judaism


■作者简介   傅有德,哲学博士,山东大学犹太教与跨宗教研究中心主任,哲学与社会发展学院教授、博士生导师;山东 济南 250012
