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实践哲学的理性之维发布时间:2020-06-30  点击数:
作 者:阎孟伟
摘 要:



The Rational Dimension of Practical Philosophy

Yan Mengwei (Nankai University)


Abstract The rational dimension of practical philosophy refers to pure rationality that does not depend on the experience world and cannot be separated for a moment from human practice, especially moral practice and political practice. Humes view that value judgment cannot be derived from fact judgment is correct, because value judgment is not based on empirical facts, but precisely on the pure rationality of human beings, although some facts and values are intertwined. Moreover, the norms or laws in peoples moral and political practice do not come directly from the world of experience, but are from peoples rational setting of freedom. Marx determined the nature of human freedom from the nature of human life activities, and thus carried out   a critical study of capitalist mode of production from the premise of freedom. The rational dimension of practical philosophy embodies human beings creativity to change the world, and also their ability to legislate for their own moral practice and political practice.

Key words         practical philosophy; rational dimension; pure rationality; value; freedom


■作者简介   阎孟伟,哲学博士,南开大学马克思主义学院教授,哲学院教授、博士生导师;天津 300071

