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公共危机治理中社会动员的功能边界和优化策略发布时间:2020-04-29  点击数:
作 者:孙晓晖 刘同舫
摘 要:

 在当代中国的公共危机治理中,发起大规模社会动员是党和国家防范化解重大风险的独特优势和有效手段。作为危机治理的方式和手段,社会动员的功能作用表现为: 运用紧急动员快速实现资源集聚,通过参与式动员有效促成社会整合,诉诸传媒动员广泛凝聚多方共识。公共危机治理中的社会动员存在边界效应,动员不足容易使危机治理的效能递减,动员过度则易造成危机治理的效力失控。这种边界效应的内在症结在于公共危机治理中产生的动员失范,因而规范化建设对规避社会动员的运作风险至关重要。基于公共危机治理现代化的视域探讨社会动员的优化策略,必须遵循社会动员的适度性原则,提高社会动员的法治化水平、专业化能力和参与性质量,以公共危机治理现代化推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。


Functional Boundary and Optimization Strategies of Social Mobilization In Public Crisis Management

Sun Xiaohui (Guangdong University of Finance and Economics)

Liu Tongfang (Zhejiang University)

Abstract In the governance of public crisis in contemporary China, launching large-scale social mobilization is a unique advantage and effective means for the party and the state to prevent and resolve major risks. As a means of crisis management, the function of social mobilization lies in the following aspectsadopting emergency mobilization to realize resource accumulation quickly, promoting social integration through participatory mobilization effectively, and appealing to media mobilization to build consensus widely. There are boundary effects in social mobilization in public crisis management. Insufficient mobilization is likely to reduce the efficiency of crisis management, while excessive mobilization may cause the effectiveness of crisis management to be out of control. As the internal crux lies in the mobilization anomie in public crisis management, standardized construction is essential to avoid the operational risk of social mobilization. To explore the optimization strategy of social mobilization from the perspective of modernizing public crisis management, we must follow the principle of moderation in social mobilization and improve the level of rule of law, professional ability and participatory quality of social mobilization so as to promote the modernization of national governance system and governance ability.

Key words public crisis management; social mobilization; functional boundary; optimization strategy; COVID-19


■作者简介 孙晓晖,法学博士,广东财经大学马克思主义学院副教授;广东 广州 510320

刘同舫,哲学博士,浙江大学马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师、院长;浙江 杭州 310028
