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论外商投资国家安全审查决定的司法审查发布时间:2020-04-29  点击数:
作 者:漆彤
摘 要:

 外资国家安全审查是东道国管理外资的重要法律工具之一,但因国家安全的概念模糊、审查标准抽象以及救济手段有限而饱受诟病。从国际比较来看,在保留安审机制灵活性的同时,提升安审决定的可预见性和可问责性是未来的发展趋势。基于对国家安全与程序正义两类价值取向的不同侧重,各国对于安审决定是否应当受到当地司法审查采取了不同立场。《中华人民共和国外商投资法》第35正式引入外资国家安全审查制度,这对维护我国国家安全具有重要意义。出于对程序正义和保护外国投资者合法权益的考量,在落实该条第 2 款的具体配套工作中,我国应考虑赋予外国投资者必要的司法审查救济权利,在有效保障国家安全的前提下提升投资保护水平。


On the Judicial Review of National Security Screening Decision Of Foreign Investment

Qi Tong (Wuhan University)

Abstract National security screening is one of the important legal tools for host countries to manage foreign investment. However, it has been criticized for its ambiguity in the concept of national security, the abstraction of review standards, and limited remedies available. From the international comparison point of view, improving the predictability and accountability of national security screening decision represents the future development trend. Whether the security review decision should be subject to local judicial review has received different positions among countries based on different value orientations of national security and procedural justice. China formally incorporated national security review mechanism of foreign investment into its new Foreign Investment Law of 2019. According to article 35.b, a decision legally made upon a security review shall be final, which means generally a foreign investor couldnt seek any remedies to challenge the authoritiesdecision. However, China needs to find a balanced approach between the protection of procedural due process and the maintenance of authoritys discretion on national security. The wording of article 35.b has still left some limited space for potential judicial review when China drafts its implementation regulations.

Key words Foreign Investment Law; national security screening; investor protection; due process; judicial review


■作者简介 漆 彤,法学博士,武汉大学法学院、武汉大学国际法研究所教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
