利用 2014–2018 年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)微观农户数据,在考察收入流动与收入不平等现状的基础上,使用 kakwani 个体相对剥夺指数和面板数据双向固定效应模型分析收入流动、社会资本对中国农村居民收入不平等的影响,可发现:随着时间的变化,中国农村居民收入惯性率整体上呈现出下降趋势,但不同收入群体的收入流动性存在差异;收入向上流动能够显著缓解农村居民收入不平等,而收入向下流动则会加剧其收入不平等。社会资本积累能够有效缓解收入流动不足引致的收入不平等,表现为社会资本水平越高农村居民就越容易实现增收,而社会资本不足容易引致收入不足,进而加剧农村居民收入不均等。在乡村振兴和精准扶贫的背景下,增强农村居民社会资本、防范弱势群体收入向下流动,成为降低收入不平等的关键。
Income Mobility, Social Capital and Farmers’ Income Inequality Evidence from CFPS
Deng Dasong, Yang Jing (Wuhan University)
Sun Fei (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)
Abstract Based on the investigation of farmers’income mobility and income inequality by analyzing the data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) from 2014 to 2018, this paper examines the impact of income mobility and social capital on income inequality in rural China by using Kakwani individual relative deprivation index and two-way fixed effects panel data model. The results show that: (1) the income inertia rate has indicated a decreasing trend with time, but the income mobility of farmers from different income groups is different; (2) the upward income mobility can significantly alleviate the income inequality of rural residents, while the downward income mobility can aggravate their income inequality; (3) accumulation of social capital can significantly restrain the income inequality of rural residents. In addition, the higher the level of social capital is, the easier it is for farmers to increase their income. On the other hand, insufficient social capital will lead to insufficient income, which will aggravate income inequality. In the context of rural revitalization and targeted poverty alleviation, the key to reducing income inequality in China is to focus on the enhancement of rural residents’ social capital and the prevention the downward flow of their income.
Key words income inequality; income mobility; relative deprivation; social capital ;targeted poverty reduction; China family panel studies
■作者简介 邓大松,经济学博士,武汉大学政治与公共管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072; 杨 晶,武汉大学政治与公共管理学院博士研究生;
孙 飞,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院博士研究生;湖北 武汉 430073。