行政责令是“新行政法”理念指引下兼具行政控权和私人自治双重功能的法律规制手段,其在行政实体法领域的广泛适用体现了党的十九大提出的创新社会治理体系理念。在抗击 2020 年肆虐的新冠肺炎疫情的过程中,有必要充分利用《传染病防治法》所规定的行政责令法律制度及时制止和纠正各类损害疫情防控的违法行为。但是,当前行政责令法律属性不清晰,导致《行政处罚法》和包括《传染病防治法》在内的诸多行政实体法对行政责令的规定和适用尚有模糊和混淆之处,使得《传染病防治法》在应对新冠肺炎防控等公共卫生事件时不能充分发挥其应有的法律效力。需要厘清行政责令的法律属性以及行政责令和行政处罚的法律关系,从法律责任制度建构及健全法律实施效力等方面进一步完善《传染病防治法》的行政责令制度,使行政责令制度在应对公共卫生事件中发挥更大作用。
Legal Attribute and Effect of the Administrative Order Of “Law of PRC on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases”
Sun Jin, Yang Jun (Wuhan University)
Abstract The administrative order has a dual legal regulation function of controlling administrative power and exercising private rights under the guidance of “new administrative law”. The wide application of the administrative order accords with the idea of innovating social management system as proposed in the 19th National Congress of CPC. In order to defeat novel corona virus pneumonia (NCP, WHO named it 2019- nCoV acute respiratory disease), illegal act should be forbidden according to the administrative order by the “Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases”. However, the current administrative order with ambiguous legal attribute often leads to unclear provisions in law and fuzziness in application, which causes the “Law on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases” to fail to give full play to its legal effect in dealing with public health events such as novel corona virus pneumonia. Therefore, the author of this paper suggests that we should focus on legal attribute, legal effect, improvement of the administrative order as well as punishment system, and enhancement of regulations, so that the administrative order can play a greater role in dealing with public health events.
Key words COVID-19; administrative order; administrative punishment; Infectious Diseases Prevention and Treatment Law; public health; crisis management
■作者简介 孙 晋,法学博士,新疆大学法学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;新疆 乌鲁木齐 830047;
杨 军,武汉大学法学院博士研究生;湖北 武汉 430072。