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“国家—社会”共同在场:突发公共卫生事件中的全民动员和治理成长发布时间:2020-04-29  点击数:
作 者:刘佳
摘 要:

 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情引发的突发公共卫生事件是对我国治理现代化的一次巨大考验,动员式治理成为全社会共同应对突发性公共危机的必要手段之一。“国家—社会” 的共同在场形成了全民动员、系统协同的整体动员机制,促进了经济资源、情感道德资源、专业智力资源和全社会志愿力资源的快速集聚。“共同在场”的治理逻辑以“人类命运共同体” 思想引发世界共识、通过“网络化 + 网格化”双网协同优化基层共建格局、构建“以人民为中心”为本质要求的系统性动员模式,实现国家治理结构优化和治理能力成长,形成“国家—社会”共同在场的中国经验。


Governance and Mobilization in Public Health Emergencies: From National and Social Perspectives

Liu Jia (Yangzhou University)

Abstract The public health emergency resulting from the epidemic of the novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) has posed a huge challenge to the modernization of governance in China, and mobilization gov- ernance has become one of the necessary means for the whole society to deal with this sudden public crisis. Transcending the dual structure of state-societyin western countries, the joint presence of state-societyin China has formed a cooperative framework of national mobilization and social governance system, promoting the rapid accumulation of economic, emotional and moral, professional and intellectual, and voluntary resources of the whole society. The governance logic of the joint presence is to build the world consensus with the belief of a community with a shared future for all mankind, optimize the pattern of co-construction at the grass-roots level through both networking and griddingmanagement, and construct a systematic mobilization model with the essential requirements of taking the people as the center. All these efforts can lead to the optimization of governance structure and the growth of governance capacity, which have gradually formed the governance advantages and Chinese experience of the joint presence of state-societyframework.

Key words public health emergency; state-societyrelationship; SARS-CoV-2; mobilization gover- nance; grid management


■作者简介 刘 佳,教育学博士,扬州大学教育科学学院教授、博士生导师;江苏 扬州 225000
