关键词 新冠肺炎疫情;风险社会学;风险社会;社会治理共同体;疫情防控;公共安全
The Outbreak of COVID-19 and Community Prevention and Control
An Analysis from the Perspective of Risk Sociology
Wen Jun (East China Normal University)
Abstract The outbreak of novel corona virus pneumonia has posed a severe test for mankind in the pro-cess of moving towards the era of risk society. From the perspective of risk sociology, the epidemic is closely related to the natural and social environment of human beings as well as to the unexpected consequences of human social actions with such characteristics as suddenness, uncertainty, urgency, compounding and harmfulness. This kind of epidemic disaster in abnormal situations brings great challenges to national emergency management and risk management. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a “social governance community” that can accommodate the risk society in order to jointly resist the spread of the epidemic and social risks.
Key words COVID-19; sociology of risk; risk society; community governance community; epidemic prevention and control; public safety
■作者简介 文军,社会学博士,华东师范大学社会发展学院教授、博士生导师、院长,华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心副主任;上海 200241。