Theoretical Basis and Chinese Experience of Constructing A Missionary Party
Tang Huangfeng (Wuhan University)
Abstract Mission and responsibility are not only the basic dimension and a new perspective of under- standing proletarian party, but also a significant sign of demonstrating the unique spirit and temperament of Marxist party. Marxist party theory lays a solid theoretical foundation for the construction of a missionary party. The original intention and mission are the concentrated embodiment of the nature, purpose, ideals and beliefs of the CPC, with distinct characteristics of a missionary party. CPC has always regarded taking the initiative to undertake historical mission and performing political responsibility as the fundamental source of organizational motivation and behavior motivation. To temper the party spirit strictly, strengthen the institutional construction practically, carry out the centralized education activities within the party periodically, promote the party’s self- revolution actively and enforce party discipline with all-out effort strictly constitute the Chinese experience of constructing a missionary party.
Key words missionary party; Marxist party theory; construction of the ruling party; Chinese experience
■作者简介 唐皇凤,政治学博士,武汉大学马克思主义学院教授、博士生导师,武汉大学党内法规研究中心特聘研究员;湖北 武汉 430072。