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论文化和旅游融合的内在逻辑发布时间:2020-02-28  点击数:
作 者:傅才武
摘 要:

 从形式上看,文旅融合体现为“以文促旅,以旅彰文”的“体”“用”相互依存和相互促进关系,文化为旅游提供内容,旅游为文化提供渠道,“体”与“用”协调统一;但从本质上看,文旅融合的内在逻辑是旅游者个体参与创造文化旅游体裁的过程,是文化旅游主体与作为象征意义(符号)系统的文化旅游装置(客体)通过个体文旅消费行为进行创造、转换和连接的过程,是客体与主体之间“唤醒”与“沉浸”的统一、“索引”与“凝视”的统一,体现为“吸收符号及被符号吸收”的互动过程。基于文旅消费行为,个体确证和重构了自己的文化身   份认同,原本两种不同的人类生活方式——文化和旅游在文化认同的山顶上实现了有机连接。这一逻辑超越了传统的静态文化和旅游观,体现了旅游行为引发文化体验、主体参与旅游体裁创造过程的互动性和互渗性特征。个体的文旅消费行为具有促进文化认同的作用,成为连接文化行业与旅游业、个体文化需求与族群文化共同体建构需求的有效通道。


On the Internal Logic in the Integration of Culture and Tourism

Fu Caiwu (Wuhan University)


Abstract In terms of form, the integration of culture and tourism embodies a relationship of mutual dependence and promotion between structureand use, which promotes tourism through culture and high- lights culture through tourism. Culture provides content for tourism and tourism provides a channel for culture, reflecting a harmonious and unified relationship between structureand use. Essentially, the internal logic of culture-tourism integration is the process in which individual tourists participate in creating cultural tourism genre, and also a process in which both the subject of cultural tourism and cultural tourism installation (object) as a symbolic (symbol) system to carry out the creation, transformation and connection by individual cultural tour consumption behavior. This integration is the unity of awakeningand immersion, indexingand staringbetween subject and object, expressed in the interactive process of absorbing symbols and being absorbed by symbols. Behaviors of cultural tourism consumption cause the individuals to confirm and reconstruct their own cultures, so that two different ways of human livesculture and tourismhave reached the organic integration in the cultural self-identity. This logic transcends the traditional value of static cultural tourism integration, reflecting the interactive and interpenetrating characteristics of the cultural experience and the subjects participation in the creative process of tourism. The individuals cultural tour has the function to promote cultural identity and becomes an effective channel to connect cultural industry with tourism, linking individual cultural needs and the need to co-construct a community of group culture.

Key words cultural tourism; integration of culture and tourism; cultural identity; cultural consumption


■作者简介 傅才武,历史学博士,武汉大学国家文化发展研究院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072
