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当代中国哲学形态如何可能——关于构建当代中国哲学形态的前提性反思发布时间:2020-02-28  点击数:
作 者:贺来
摘 要:



The Construction of the Form of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy

A Reflection on its Preconditions


He Lai (Jilin University)


Abstract Constructing the form of contemporary Chinese philosophy is an important task, which requires us to respect the nature of philosophy and make great efforts to create necessary preconditions for its development. Three most fundamental aspects are: to keep and promote the critical spirit of philosophy and avoid obedient and non-critical positivism, to develop the consciousness of reasoning and argument of philosophy and avoid the hegemony of discourse so as to promote communication and cooperation within the philosophical academic community, and to establish a solid foundation for the form of contemporary Chinese philosophy through full academic accumulation and the generation of the sense of reality for philosophical scholars in order to absorb external academic resources in a critical way.

Key words the form of contemporary Chinese philosophy; the critical spirit of philosophy; the innovation mechanism of philosophy; academic system; discourse system


■作者简介 贺 来,哲学博士,吉林大学哲学基础理论研究中心暨哲学社会学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012
