New Challenges for European Welfare States in the 21st Century
Lv Pusheng (Wuhan University)
Abstract Welfare system remains the focus of political debates and social conflicts in European countries against the new background of deindustrialization, economic recession and refugee crisis in the 21st century. It also faces a series of challenges including the economic society changes, aging welfare design and constraints of political system. The dramatic changes in economic society have brought about the welfare tightening pressure and the need for old and new benefits. The economic recession has erode the economic and financial base of welfare distribution; the severe population aging and labor shortage have increased the social support burden, and the new structures and patterns of employment have affected the basic framework of the traditional welfare system. Confronted with these exogenous challenges of economic society’s changes, European traditional welfare system is increasingly showing its limitations. For example, the generous welfare system, which is based on the standard worker family assumption, extremely limited the coverage of social welfare and generated institutional inertia and welfare dependence inherently; pension pay-as-you-go system is difficult to implement due to severe aging; top-down government supply model has increased its burden and left a small space for diversified social supply. Due to these limitations, the European traditional welfare system lacks sufficient flexibility and adaptability for economic society changes, which requires reforms and adjustment. However, this reform is subject to the specific political frameworks of welfare states. The power-unbalanced parliament-cabinet system, the interest representation system of corporatism and the multi-party competitive electoral system have made the expansion rather than austerity of welfare the strategy of different subjects in political games.
Key words welfare states; economic recession; aging population; political constraints; social equity
■ 作者简介 吕普生,政治学博士,武汉大学政治与公共管理学院副教授;湖北 武汉 430072。