随着高速铁路开通和贸易成本下降,市场竞争效应(通过消费者市场准入体现)有助于企业生产率提高,而规模扩张效应(通过企业市场准入体现)则可能引起企业生产率下降。经手动整理和测算 2007-2013年陆续开通高速铁路的 110 个城市的市场准入,并与同期中国工业企业数据库进行匹配展开实证检验显示:在保持其他条件不变的情况下,消费者市场准入每提高 1 个百分点,企业生产率上升0.0318个百分点;企业市场准入每提高1 个百分点,企业生产率下降 0.0552个百分点。根据不同的城市规模、区域异质性、行业异质性的研究表明,高速铁路开通对中小城市企业生产率的影响较对大城市企业生产率的影 响更突出,对中部企业的影响最大、对东部企业的影响次之、对西部企业的影响最小,对技术密集型行业的企业影响最大、对资本密集型的企业影响次之、对劳动密集型的企业影响最小。高速铁路开通对企业生产率存在持续性影响,并且对企业的个体效应与对地区整体生产 率的影响一致。
The Impact of High-speed Rail Opening on Firm Productivity: Transmission Mechanism and Empirical Testing
Zou Wei, Chen Liangheng (Wuhan University)
Abstract With the opening of high-speed rails and the decline of trade costs, “market competition effect”
(captured by consumer market access, CMA) will help firms to improve productivity, while ”scale expansion effect” (captured by firm market access, FMA) may lead to decreased productivity. By manually sorting and measuring the market access of 110 cities that have successively opened high-speed rails from 2007 to 2013, and matching the data with the Chinese industrial enterprise database during the same period with empirical tests, this study shows that everything being equal, 1 percent increase in CMA leads to an increase of firm productivity by 0.0318 percent; 1 percent increase in FMA is associated with 0.0552 percent decrease in firm productivity. The study of different cities, regional heterogeneity, and industry heterogeneity demonstrates that the opening of high-speed rails has a more prominent impact on the productivity of small and medium-sized cities than on big cities, and has the greatest impact on firms in central China, less in the east and the least in the west. Moreover, the impact is the greatest on firms in technology-intensive industries, followed by capital-intensive firms and labor-intensive firms. The opening of high-speed rails has a lasting effect on the productivity of firms, and the individual effects of firms are consistent with regional productivity.
Key words high-speed rail; consumer market access; firm market access; firm productivity
■ 作者简介 邹 薇,经济学博士,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。