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政治经济学批判语境中都市马克思主义的三个经典论域发布时间:2019-12-27  点击数:
作 者:温权
摘 要:

都市马克思主义是 20 世纪 60 年代以来,部分西方左翼学者将政治经济学批判的经典范畴自觉纳入空间哲学叙事,并围绕城市景观与资本逻辑间的历史—地理性辩证关系,所构建的对现代资本主义社会症候予以激进反思的前沿理论体系。截至目前,从相关流派立足各自学术视角且根据不同问题侧重而分别提炼出的核心论断彼此间的结构性关联来看,该思潮大致涵盖三个基本论域:其一,通过分析为货币权力操纵的抽象空间之于城市生产或消费态势的隐秘干预,而在资本空间生产和再生产的内在机理中探究资本主义制度长期幸存的原因;其二,通过刻画以财富选择性集中、劳动地理性分工和资本逐利性区位更迭为特征的城市变迁轨迹,而在资本地理性不均衡发展的消极后果中揭示资本主义制度必然遭遇的危机;其三,通过展现由价值剥削机制及其连带的非正义政治秩序对以阶级冲突为主线的社会多元矛盾的激化作用,而在城市日常生活的拓扑式图景中重构瓦解资本主义制度的有效策略。应当说,这些论域的提出重新开拓了为传统马克思主义长期忽视的城市空间向度。这同时意味着,马克思主义解释世界与改造世界的双重旨趣,在当前资本主义社会生态发生重大转向的情境下自身言说范式自觉更新的一种积极(但尚不成熟的)尝试。


Three Classical Discourse Domain of Urban Marxism in the Context of Critique of Political Economics

Wen Quan (Nanjing University)


Abstract Since the 1960s, some Western left-wing scholars have consciously incorporated the classical category of political and economic criticism into the narrative of space philosophy, and constructed a theoretical system of radical reflection on the symptoms of modern capitalist society around the historical-geographical dialectical relationship between urban landscape and capital logic. This trend of thought roughly covers the following three basic fields. The first aspect discusses the long-term survival of the capitalist system in theory through an analysis of the implicit intervention of abstract space manipulated by monetary power in urban production or consumption situation, and the inherent mechanism of production and reproduction in capital space.  The second filed reveals the crisis that the capitalist system will inevitably encounter by discussing  the negative consequences of the imbalanced development of capital geography and describing the trajectory of urban change characterized by selective concentration of wealth, geographical division of labor and capital- driven change of location. Thirdly, it is an effective strategy to reconstruct the disintegration of capitalist system in the topological picture of urban daily life by showing the mechanism of value exploitation and its associated non-profit in the justice political order and intensifying the multi-contradiction of society with class conflict as the main line. It should be said that the proposal of these fields reiterates the urban spatial dimension which has long been neglected by traditional Marxism. At the same time, it means that the dual purpose of interpreting the worl and transforming the world of Marxism is a positive (but not yet mature) attempt to consciously renew its own speech paradigm in the current situation of major changes in the capitalist social ecology.

Key words urban Marxism; critique of political economic; geographical unbalanced development; cap- italreproduction; social revolution


     作者简介   权,哲学博士,南京大学马克思主义学院副教授;江苏 南京 210023


