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论数据要素产权分置的法律表达发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:申晨
关键词:数据要素立法;产权;三权分置;数据资源;数据产品;经营权;“数据二十条”; “权利束”
摘 要:

数据要素产权分置的依据是通过非买断式产权交易提高流通和分配效率。产权分置包含三种法律关系结构,即数据资源提供者对数据资源、数据加工者对数据资源、数据加工者对数据产品,这三种权利均需要被清晰表述。数据资源持有权是指数据资源提供者对数据资源享有的产权“母权”。数据加工使用权是指数据加工者对数据资源享有的用益 “子权”。数字产品经营权有两种可能的权利内涵:一是数据产品的产权“母权”;二是数据资源提供者通过收益型产权分置享有的获取数据产品未来收益的权利。立法者应将数据资源、数据产品的“母权”分别表述为数据资源权、数据产品权,并将收益型产权分置中数据资源提供者的权利表述为数据产品收益权。


On the Legal Expression of the Separation of Property Rights of Data Elements

Shen ChenWuhan University

Abstract The separation of property rights of data elements is to improve the circulation and distribution efficiency through non-buyout property rights transactions. It is structured on three legal relationships, namely, the rights of data resource providers over data resource, the rights of data processors over data resources, and the rights of data processors over data products, all of which need to be clearly defined. Data resource ownership refers to the "parent right" of property enjoyed by data resource providers over data resources. Data processing and usage rights refers to the "subsidiary right" of usufruct enjoyed by data processors over data resources. Digital product operation rights have two possible connotations: one is the "parent right" of the property over data products; the other is the right of data resource providers to obtain future revenue from data products through the separation of benefit-based property rights. The titles of "parent rights" of data resources and data products should be rephrased as data resource rights and data product rights, and a separate right to benefit from data products should be set up to express the rights of data resource providers over data products

Key words data elements legislation; property right; the system of separating the ownership; contractual, and management rights; data resources; data product; management right; Twenty Articles of Data; a bundle of rights

■作者简介  申  晨,武汉大学法学院副教授,湖北 武汉 430072
