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民主的过程哲学发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:江国华
摘 要:

习近平关于“人民民主是全过程民主”的重要论断蕴含着深刻的过程哲学思想。在本体论上,全过程人民民主论将民主界定为一种过程性存在,即过程的连锁,从而将   民主过程置于本体性地位,而这种本体性过程本质上就是民主的实践过程,并必然地呈现于民主的生活过程中。在认识论上,全过程人民民主论将民主界定为一种事实性存在,即事实的合成,从而将民主事实置于民主存在的基准性地位。民主存在以民主事实为境界,所谓 “事实胜于雄辩”,而民主的事实又始终处于创生的过程之中。在价值论上,全过程人民民主论将民主界定为一种价值性存在,即价值的共生,从而将民主价值置于民主发展的引领性地位。民主存在以价值为向导,而民主价值的共生过程,就是人民“从自己出发”“为我而存在”的生活过程。


On Process Philosophy of Democracy

Jiang GuohuaWuhan University

Abstract Xi Jinping's important assertion that "people's democracy is a whole-process democracy" contains profound ideas of process philosophy. Ontologically, the theory of whole-process people's democracy defines democracy as a process-oriented existence, a chain of processes, thereby placing the democratic process in an ontological position. This ontological process is essentially the application of democracy, and inevitably manifests in the lived process of democracy. Epistemologically, the theory of whole-process people's democracy defines democracy as a factual existence, a synthesis of facts, thereby placing democratic facts in a benchmark position. The existence of democracy is mirrored by democratic facts; as "facts speak louder than words", democratic facts always arises from the process of creation. In Axiology, the whole-process people's democracy theory defines democracy as a value-oriented existence, the symbiosis of values, thus placing democratic values in a leading position. The existence of democracy is value-oriented, and the symbiotic process of democratic values is the lived process of people "starting from themselves" and "existing for themselves".

Key words whole-process people's democracy; process philosophy; process as ontology; process as facts; process as value; Xi Jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for New Era

■作者简介  江国华,武汉大学法学院教授,湖北 武汉 430072
