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农业产业化龙头企业层级化联结产业组织模式研究——以鄂西N 公司为例发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:万江红 李城
摘 要:



A Research on the Hierarchical Connection Industry Organization Model of Leading Agricultural Enterprises

A Case Study of Company N in Western Hubei

Wan Jianghong, Li ChengHuazhong Agricultural University

Abstract The agricultural industrial organization model established by leading enterprises is a key element in creating the whole agricultural industry chain and promoting agricultural modernization. Hierarchization, as the core feature of the industrial organization model, is crucial for leading enterprises to achieve the goals of industrial scale and standardization through the promotion of close links between hierarchical subjects. By establishing a rational linkage mechanism via interest, leading enterprises can precisely align the differentiated "profit-risk preferences" of hierarchical entities within the organizational model, thereby integrating their resources and division of labor in production processes to achieve economy of scale. In the vertical governance of the hierarchical industrial organization model, leading enterprises utilize contractual governance to promote stratified management of relationships between entities, activating and permeating their relationships via contracts relational governance, so as to achieve the hierarchical integration of governance mechanisms and the standardization of production processes. By effectively leveraging the hierarchical features of the industrial organization model, those enterprises can further reinforce their leading positions and achieve stable growth to the benefit of all participating entities.

Key words leading enterprises; industrial organization model; hierarchization; linkage mechanism via interest; industrial governance mechanism

■作者简介 万江红,华中农业大学文法学院、农村社会建设与管理研究中心教授,湖北 武汉 430070;李 城(通讯作者),华中农业大学经济管理学院博士研究生。
