Translation and Hermeneutics
On the Translation Theory of Gadamer
Huang Xiaozhou(Guangxi University)
Abstract Translation-related issue occupies a significant position in western hermeneutics. The emergence of Gadamer's hermeneutics provides a theoretical support for the elevation of translation studies to the philosophical level. Translation has its origin in mythology and is grounded in metaphysical ontology. Essentially, Translation is an ontological activity wherein the meaning of the understood is unfolded in a new language. In translation, there exists a dialectical tension between unity and difference, faithfulness and freedom, familiarity and strangeness, the other and the self, the foreign and the native, antiquity and modernity, subconsciousness and consciousness, life and death. Translation embraces core values of interaction such as humility, equality, dialogue, civilization, enlightenment and education, development, and harmony from the perspective of hermeneutical ethics. Translation often serves as an important pathway for enlightening the people, rescuing the nation from crisis, revitalizing the nation and innovating culture.
Key words translation; hermeneutics; dialectics; ethics
■作者简介 黄小洲,广西大学马克思主义学院教授,广西 南宁530004。