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“总和”的隐喻:马克思“人的本质”说再阐释发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:张萌
摘 要:



The Metaphor of ''Ensemble'': Further Explanation of Marx's Theory of ''the Human Essence''

Zhang MengWuhan University

Abstract ''In its reality it (the human essence) is the ensemble of the social relations'' is Marx's classic exposition on the human essence. If ensemble is interpreted as sum in mathematical sense, it is an ontological metaphor that reifies abstractions, through which Marx clarifies the species-character of human; If ensemble is interpreted as a chorus sung by all participants, it is a new metaphor that creates a beautiful similarity, through which Marx emphasizes the real existence and activities of human beings. If ensemble is interpreted as individuals in its reality, their activities, and their material living conditions, it is a metaphor for having a new understanding of life, through which Marx highlights the methodological approach to exploring what man truly is within the horizon of changing the world. A metaphorical study of Marx's classic expression on human essence can reveal the transition of human being from spectator to actor, presents the dual demands of how to interpret the world and how to change the world in his research, and highlights the methodological focus of his practical wisdom that is highly consistent with the flexible thinking in Chinese philosophy.

Key words  Marx; the human essence; Metaphor; Methodology

■作者简介  张  萌,武汉大学马克思主义学院讲师,湖北 武汉 430072
