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马克思对李嘉图定律的破解及其当代价值发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:兰洋
摘 要:



On Marx's Dismantling of Ricardo's Law and Its Contemporary Value

Lan YangRenmin University of China

Abstract In Marx's critique of political economy, the dismantling of Ricardo's law is an implicit and indispensable mission. Ricardo's Law is the clearest and most concise articulation of classical political economy about the dynamics, costs, and future prospects of the capitalist world order. By unraveling this law, Marx acquired a profound insight into the dual structure of the modern world order dominated by capital, by revealing the real motivation and antagonistic nature of the birth of the modern world order under the dominance of capital logic, and dening the natural legitimacy of capitalist international legal rights, and proposed a vision for the future world based on a real community. To study this process of ideological sublation will facilitate a better understanding of historical materialism on world order, and intensive exploration of the new concepts about development, cooperation, history and civilization embedded therein.

Key words  world order; Ricardo's law; Historical materialism

■作者简介  兰  洋,中国人民大学马克思主义学院副教授、当代政党研究平台研究员,北京 100872
