从私有财产批判入手展开对市民社会的解剖工作,在这个解剖过程中深化对市民社会内部结构及其历史运动的理解,进而走向唯物史观的创立,是解读《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》的一个值得关注的重要语境。对这一语境的考察,需要高度关注马克思对蒲鲁东所有权理论的批判。以此为参照重新研究《1844 年经济学哲学手稿》的私有财产批判逻辑,可以发现马克思在私有财产批判问题上取得了以下理论进展:通过异化劳动说明私有财产,实现了对私有财产历史来历的说明及其自然合法性的证伪;基于劳动与资本的关系考察动产战胜不动产的私有财产的历史运动,确证了劳动作为私有财产主体本质的秘密;将作为私有财产积极扬弃的共产主义建立在“经济的运动”基础上,进而展开了劳动的理论线索;在推进私有财产批判工作的同时,揭露了蒲鲁东所有权理论的改良主义本质及其为工业资本服务的现实基础,实现了对以蒲鲁东为代表的社会主义以及共产主义思潮的具有原则性理论高度的超越。
Marx's Initial Critique of Proudhon's Theory of Property And The Reorientation of the Critical Theory of Private Property In The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
Bu Xiangji,Ren Zhiyong(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Abstract Starting from the critique of private property to dissect civil society, it deepens the understanding of the internal structure and its historical movement of civil society during the process, and then embarks on the establishment of historical materialism; this constitutes a noteworthy and important context for interpreting The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844.While an examination of this context necessitates a keen focus on Marx's critique of Proudhon's theory of ownership. With this reference, a revisit of the logic of the critique of private property in the Manuscripts reveals the following theoretical advances made by Marx: by illustrating private property through alienated labor, he accounted for the historical origins of private property and disproved its natural legitimacy; by examining the historical movement in which movable private property triumphed over immovable private property based on the relationship between labor and capital, he corroborated labor in essence being the subject of private property; by founding communism, which actively sublates private property, on the "economic movement", he unfolded the theoretical thread of labor practices; while advancing the critique of private property, he exposed the reformist nature of Proudhon's theory of ownership and the practical basis of its service of industrial capital, and realized a principled theoretical transcendence of the socialist as well as communist trend represented by Proudhon.
Key words private property; alienated labor; communism; Proudhon; The Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
■作者简介 卜祥记,上海交通大学马克思主义学院教授,石河子大学绿洲学者,上海 200240;任智勇,上海交通大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。