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党章研究的发展脉络与时代使命发布时间:2025-03-03  点击数:
作 者:周叶中 熊娜
摘 要:

在党建学主导和法学、政治学等学科参与下,党章研究经40 余年之积淀,已形成较为丰富的理论成果,并确立起相应的知识框架和研究风格。但在繁荣的研究景象背后,党章研究仍存在一定的不足,主要表现在:侧重将党章置于党的建设领域,相对忽视党章在党和国家政治生活中的重要作用;过多从党建学、法学、政治学等学科的议题偏好出发,相对欠缺立足党章本体建构党章自主知识体系的能力。而随着社会主义现代化国家建设迈上新征程、党内法规学开始作为一门独立学科进入社会科学领域,党章研究更是面临实践与学术回应性的双重挑战,其内在不足日益凸显。为应对有关挑战,新时代的党章研究应以党内法规学的形成为契机,确立“以中国式现代化为目的、以党内法规学为方法”的研究宗旨,在探索基于党内法规学视角的党章理论的同时,有效关照中国式现代化建设。这就需要党章研究进一步树立面向党和国家政治运行的问题意识,构建涵盖党、党章、党和国家治理三个维度的分析结构,形成贯穿党章生成与作用场域的理论框架。


The Developmental Trajectory and Epochal Mission Of Party Constitution Research

Zhou Yezhong, Xiong NaWuhan University

Abstract Under the guidance of Party building studies and with the participation of disciplines such as law and political science, among others, the research on the Party Constitution has accumulated rich theoretical achievements from the past 40 years, and established a corresponding knowledge framework and research style. However, behind the thriving research landscape, there still exist certain deficiencies, which are mainly manifested in: confining the research of Party Constitution to the realm of party building, while neglecting its important role in the political life of the Party and the country; the selection of research topics overly biased towards perspectives of party construction studies, law, political science, etc., with a relative lack of ability to construct an independent knowledge system of the Party Constitution based on its own ontology. With the socialist modernization of the country embarking on a new journey and the study of intra-Party laws and regulations emerging as an independent discipline in the field of social sciences, research on the Party Constitution is facing dual challenges of practical and academic responsiveness, and its inherent deficiencies are becoming increasingly prominent. To meet these challenges, the study of the Party Constitution in New Era should take the formation of the study of intra-Party laws and regulations as an opportunity, establish the research purpose of "aiming at Chinese modernization and adopting the methodology in the study of intra-Party laws and regulations"; while exploring the theory of the Party Constitution from the perspective of the study of intra-Party laws and regulations, it is necessary to effectively address the construction of Chinese modernization. This requires stronger problem-consciousness in terms of the political operations of the Party and the country, and an analytical framework encompassing the three dimensions of the Party, the Party Constitution, and Party and state governance, a theoretical framework that spans the generation and application domains of the Party Constitution.

Key words the research of the Constitution of CPC; the Constitution of CPC; Communist Party of China; Party governance and State governance; Chinese modernization; study of intra-Party laws and regulations

■作者简介 周叶中,武汉大学人文社会科学资深教授,武汉大学党内法规研究中心、法学院教授,湖北 武汉 430072;熊 娜,武汉大学党内法规研究中心博士研究生。
