尘封百余年的文献史料中隐藏着一个有关武汉大学筹办的重要史实,即在国立武汉大学成立之前,武汉大学校名即已被先期使用,并有过近20 年的三段倡办经历。第一段经历始于清末,源自英美传教士提出的“联合大学建议”,并在选址武汉后引出“武汉大学计划”,但终因经费筹措未果而宣告中止;第二段经历始于武昌起义之后,一批辛亥革命志士为了纪念武昌首义之功,倡议国人自己“设立武汉大学”,后因经费不足而最终未能如愿,但却促成了被作为武汉大学基础而先行开办的国立武昌商业专门学校的诞生;第三段经历起自国立武昌商业专门学校开办之后,由北洋政府鄂籍要员黎元洪等接续筹办武汉大学,曾大张旗鼓地掀起过不小的筹办高潮,其间一度传闻黎元洪将校名更改为江汉大学,并最终留下遗嘱而由其子给国立武汉大学捐款建造了一座现代体育馆。
The Origin of the Name of Wuhan University And Its Founding Attempts
Yan Qinghua(Wuhan University)
Abstract An important fact about the founding attempts of Wuhan University has been unveiled from century-old the historical documents. Before the establishment of the National Wuhan University, the name of "Wuhan University" had been proposed in three attempts to build an institution of higher learning for nearly 20 years. The first attempt was made in the late Qing Dynasty, when a proposal for a "joint university" was put forward by British and American missionaries. When Wuhan was selected as the site, a "Wuhan University Plan" was developed, but suspended due to unsuccessful fundraising efforts. The second attempt took place after the Wuchang Uprising, when a group of Xinhai revolutionaries proposed the establishment of "Wuhan University" by compatriots to commemorate the achievements of the uprising. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, this initiative did not come to fruition. However, it did pave the way for the founding of the National Wuchang Business School, which served as a foundation for Wuhan University. The third attempt began after the establishment of the National Wuchang Business School, when Li Yuanhong and other officials from Hubei Province in the Beiyang government continued to prepare to establish Wuhan University. This effort gained considerable momentum, and at one point, there were rumors that Li Yuanhong planned to change the institution’s name to Jianghan University. Ultimately, he requested his son in his will to donate and build a modern gymnasium for the National Wuhan University.
Key words the founding of Wuhan University; the National Wuchang Business School;National Wuhan University
■作者简介 严清华,武汉大学经济与管理学院教授,湖北 武汉 430072。