On the Unique Theoretical Characteristics Of Hegelian Philosophy of Language
Yang Xingfeng(Guangxi University)
Abstract A study of Hegelian philosophy of language would undermine the authority of a common philosophical belief:Hegelian philosophy is incompatible with analytical philosophy dominant in Anglo- American philosophy that emphasizes the study of language. In fact, Hegelian philosophy contains rich ideas of language philosophy, and an illustration of it will reveal a very different approach to language analysis from the tradition of Anglo-American philosophy of language. Jean Hyppolite even believes that Hegel constructs logic as a philosophy of language, and some argue that Hegel is the first philosopher to accomplish a Rorty's "linguistic turn". The dialectic language introduced by Hegel, with its holism and historicism, movement commitment, fuzziness and meaning transformation, makes its philosophy of language fundamentally different from the approach of Anglo-American philosophy of language.
Key words Hegel; philosophy of language; dialectic language
■作者简介 杨兴凤,广西大学马克思主义学院副教授,广西 南宁530004。