Kierkegaard and the Flux of Lukács' Marxist Philosophical Perspective
Wen Quan(Wuhan University)
Abstract Soren Kierkegaard is more a background support for György Lukács' understanding of Marx than an occasional academic footnote. At different stages, Lukács made selective comments on Kierkegaard, revealing his winding mental process of receiving or reconstructing Marxist philosophy. By questioning the aesthetic-ethical paradox that Kierkegaard encountered in terms of the unity of man and the world, the young Lukács went deep into class consciousness and regarded the dialectical schema of subject totality as Marx's epistemological horizon, thereby creating History and Class Consciousness. Afterwards, in response to the controversy aroused by the book, Lukács in his prime took criticizing Kierkegaard's irrationalism as an opportunity to remove the residual traces of the metaphysics of the subject in the dialectical schema of subject-totality, and began to face up to the connection between the practice of production and the laws of economics in the dimension of methodology. In later years, when Lukács based himself on social existence and attacked Kierkegaard's religious illusion of the priority of the subject, he embedded the social movement of self-in-itself in the dialectical schema of subject-totality of human nature, then acquiesced with transcendent gnosis in Marxist philosophy having an ontology of labor subordinate the laws of economics, and thus retreated once again into the metaphysical schema of the subject of History and Class Consciousness. It is not difficult to see that in Lukács' denial of the subject-totality dialectic between Kierkegaard and Marx, the disagreement between the parties concerned over the question of "the unity of the actuality and the contingency of the human being" is clearly revealed. This also shows that Lukács vacillated between orthodox Marxism and humanistic Marxism throughout his life.
Key words the dialectical schema of "subject-totality"; Soren Kierkegaard; Lukács; History and Class Consciousness
作者简介 温权,武汉大学马克思主义学院教授,湖北 武汉 430072。