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长江文化的历史内涵与现代价值——兼论长江国家文化公园的建构逻辑发布时间:2024-12-31  点击数:
作 者:傅才武 李高峰
摘 要:



On the Historical Implications and Modern Value Of Yangtze River Culture

The Construction Logic of Yangtze River Culture-themed National Parks

Fu Caiwu, Li GaofengWuhan University

Abstract The Yangtze River Basin is the origin of the world's rice cultivation. Rice, a unique species with great economic potentials, has been cultivated in China, which has provided abundant material and favorable social conditions for the population reproduction and cultural inheritance of the Chinese nation. Through the interconnectivity and synergy between the north-south Grand Canal, ancient Jingzhou-Xiangyang Trail, ancient Baoji-Chengdu Trail and the east-west ancient Tea Horse Trail, China has established a north-south and center-periphery dual circulation system and endogenous motivation mechanism. The ancient Silk Road has opened a window for China to external civilizations, having greatly facilitated the mutual learning between civilizations. The Yangtze River Basin, the core area driving the dual circulation system, has made immeasurable contributions, making it a "historical geographical hub" of the Chinese nation. In the process of constructing Chinese modern civilization in the new era, it is necessary to transform the "historical geographical hub" into a modernized one; Ecological restoration and high-quality economic development shall be achieved through ecological protection of the Yangtze River; Mutual learning between civilizations, between the Yangtze River civilization and other major river civilizations worldwide, shall be further facilitated through the construction of national parks with Yangtze River culture as their theme.

Key words Yangtze River; dual circulation; historical geographical hub; national cultural park;Yangtze River civilization


■作者简介 傅才武,武汉大学国家文化发展研究院教授,湖北 武汉 430072;李高峰,武汉大学中国传统文化研究中心博士研究生。
