Determination of Algorithmic Discrimination
Ning Yuan (Wuhan University)
Abstract Existing research on anti-algorithmic discrimination lacks the logical premise of discrimination determination, which leads to the generalization of algorithmic discrimination and needs to be corrected. The contradiction between algorithmic application and algorithmic justice has been over-emphasized, which requires a clear determination rule for algorithmic discrimination. Horizontal power relations are a necessary field for algorithmic discrimination: algorithmic discrimination only exists when there is horizontal power. The horizontal power relationship is formed when the algorithm controller classifies users with locked distinction, unilaterally decides the algorithm rules applicable to users, and users can only passively accept the decision results without the freedom to exit the algorithm system. In terms of specific elements, algorithmic dis‐ crimination is based on the act of differentiation, and on the result of differentiation and disadvantage. Algorithmic controllers are exempt from anti-discrimination regulation by justifying differential treatment. The pure presentation of social discrimination in search algorithm and human-machine dialog algorithm as well as algorithm dividend distribution imbalance caused by social-economic development and imbalanced application of algorithm does no lead to algorithmic discrimination. Differential treatment caused by profiteer on big data and scoring algorithm does not necessarily constitute discrimination and should be analyzed case by case. Key words algorithmic control; algorithmic discrimination; horizontal power; distinguishing decision; differential adverse consequence; profiteer on big data; scoring algorithm
■ 作者简介 宁 园,法学博士,武汉大学法学院特聘副研究员;湖北 武汉 430072。