Institutional Responses to Streamers' Legal Status Determination And Legal Protection in the Platform Economy
Yuan Wenquan,Mao Jia(Chongqing University)
Abstract With the arrival of digital era, the platform economy has created numerous new positions for people, which greatly facilitates economic growth in a completely new way. However, rules and regulations always lag behind the changing world and this consequently blurs the boundary of legal protection for all plat‐ form workers. Live streaming is one of the most rapidly-growing platform employments in recent years and how to protect its workers better has provoked much attention and discussion. The following are the fundamental aspects to tackle with this problem: have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the characteristics of live streaming employment and the current condition of legal protection for workers in this growing sector, find out the main difficulties when we determine streamers' legal status and their legal rights, com‐ pare live streaming employment with standard employment relationship, analyze the exact higher or lower degree that streamers are subordinate to their employers more than just discerning whether there is any subordination in the relationship or not, which is the basis of streamers' legal status determination; introduce laws to protect the most needed legal rights and interests for streamers according to inclined protection principle and the concept of balance of interests, and finally realize a real balance between both sides. Live streaming employment has quite different characteristics from other platform industries and thus streamers need to meet different job requirements from other workers of the platform economy. In order to achieve better legal protection and keep a stable system of labor law, we can regard streamers as a particular group to protect their le‐ gal rights and interests exclusively. In addition, we should refine work-related injury insurance regulations, rest period policy and responsibility arrangements of breaching covenants not to compete especially. Eventually, we will help facilitate live streaming industry towards healthy and sustainable development.
Key words streamers; legal status; legal protection; substantive justice; inclined protection; platform economy; new forms of employment
■ 作者简介 袁文全,法学博士,重庆大学法学院教授、博士生导师;重庆 400044;