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数字金融、家庭创业与城乡财富不平等发布时间:2022-10-31  点击数:
作 者:吴海涛 秦小迪
摘 要:

中国城乡财富差距远高于城乡收入差距,而且正在不断扩大。数字金融特别 是县域数字金融的快速发展为缩小城乡财富差距、实现共同富裕提供了契机。基于2014 年、2016 年以及2018 年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)和区县数据,研究数字金融、家庭创业与城乡财富不平等的关系,可以发现:数字金融能够有效降低城乡财富不平等,带来数字红利,这种效应在高财富、高学历和女性户主群体中更为明显。机制分析的结果表明,数字金融通过助力农村家庭开展农业机会型创业获取更多财富,有利于减少城乡财富差距。要充分发挥数字金融的红利作用,必须牢牢把握以下着力点:一是尽快完善农村地区数字基础设施;二是大力推进农村地区金融服务数字化与共享化;三是积极创新针对农业机会型创业的农村金融组织和产品体系,重点关注农村低财富、低学历和男性户主家庭。


Digital Finance, Family Entrepreneurship and Urban-rural Wealth Inequality

Wu HaitaoQin Xiaodi (Zhongnan University of Economics and Law)

Abstract  Urban-rural wealth inequality, which is much higher than urban-rural income inequality,   keeps widening in China. The rapid development of digital finance, especially county digital finance, pro‐ vides an opportunity to narrow the urban-rural wealth gap and realize common prosperity. Based on the data from China Family Panel Survey (CFPS) and county level in 2014, 2016 and 2018, this article investigates the relationship among digital finance, family entrepreneurship and urban-rural wealth inequality. The study finds that digital finance can reduce urban-rural wealth inequality effectively and bring digital dividends, which is especially obvious in high-wealth, highly-educated and female-headed households. Mechanism analysis shows that digital finance can reduce urban-rural wealth inequality by helping rural households acquire more agricultural opportunity-based entrepreneurship so as to accumulate more wealth. To fully exploit digital finance, the following measures must be taken. First, it is necessary to improve the construction of digital infrastructure in rural areas as soon as possible. Second, it is essential to promote the digitization and sharing of financial services in rural areas. Finally, it is urgent to innovate rural financial organizations and product services aimed at agricultural opportunity entrepreneurship, and emphasis should be placed on low- wealth, low-education and male-headed households in rural areas.

Key words digital finance; urban-rural wealth inequality; family entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial decisions; county governance; rural revitalization; urban-rural gap; digital economy


    作者简介 吴海涛,经济学博士,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430073;秦小迪,中南财经政法大学工商管理学院博士研究生。
