Research on the Effect of E-commerce Entrepreneurship On Promoting Employment and Rural Revitalization
Based on the Research on E-commerce Entrepreneurship and Development Model in Zhijiang City, Hubei Province
National Development Strategy Think Tank Research Group of Wuhan University (Wuhan University)
Abstract The development of rural e-commerce is a new driving force for rural revitalization. E- commerce entrepreneurship is of great significance for driving local employment and realizing agricultural and rural modernization. Relying on location advantages and resource endowments, Zhijiang City, Hubei Province focuses on e-commerce entrepreneurship and employment, attracts talented people to return to their hometowns to start a business and forms demonstration and driving effect, improves the supply of human capital through entrepreneurial training and vocational skills training, and adopts diversified financing channels to alleviate the constraints of e-commerce start-up funds. At the same time, Zhijiang Government vigorously optimizes the infrastructure and business environment, builds an e-commerce industrial park, guides large platform companies to "lead the small with the big ones", gathering, developing and giving full play to the role of large platform enterprises in "leading the small with the big" so as to guide the agglomeration and development of e-commerce enterprises. These measures have realized the mutual promotion and co-progress between e-commerce entrepreneurship, employment and industrial agglomeration, and have effectively promoted the integration of small farmers and the big market, the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and the integrated development of urban and rural areas, which lead to a new way of driving employment and rural revitalization through e-commerce entrepreneurship, and the establishment of a unique "Zhijiang Model". The "Zhijiang Model" of e-commerce development shows that the development of rural e-commerce must adhere to the combination of the government and the efficient market, create an entrepreneurial ecosystem with multi-factor agglomeration and multi-subject collaboration, and continuously pro‐ mote the virtuous cycle of entrepreneurship-innovation-wealth creation.
Key words e-commerce entrepreneurship; rural revitalization; Zhijiang Model; entrepreneurship-led employment
■ 作者简介 武汉大学国家发展战略智库课题组;湖北 武汉 430072。