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元代草庐文人与他们的文学时代发布时间:2022-10-31  点击数:
作 者:邱江宁
摘 要:

元代草庐文人基于对大一统时代疆域辽阔、文化多元、思想驳杂现实的理解, 在哲学思想上和会朱陆,学宗朱子兼宗陆学;在人生选择上,放开心扉,不立崖岸,负笈北上, 不负所学,成为元代南人北进风潮的中坚力量;在创作上,草庐文人以和会包举、雍容大气之态黼黻时代,倡导清和雅正之风,并借助群体的社会地位与影响,令其审美倾向蔚为一代文坛风气。 


Scholars of Caolu School in Yuan Dynasty And Their Literary Era

Qiu JiangningZhejiang Normal University

Abstract Scholars of Caolu School (i.e. Thatched Cottage School) in southeast China's Jiangxi province combined the philosophical theories of great Chinese philosophers Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan on the basis of their understanding of the vast territory, cultural diversity and mixed social thoughts under the historical background of great national unity in Yuan dynasty. Meanwhile, they migrated to the north of China, lived up to what they have learned, and consequently became the backbone of the southerners in the north of China during Yuan dynasty. In terms of literary creation, these scholars advocated a clean and elegant writing style in an open and graceful manner. Thanks to the social status and influence of the whole school, their aesthetic tendency evolved into the literary trend of their time.

Key words Wu Cheng; scholars of Caolu School (Thatched Cottage School); Song Yuan Xue An (A  Case Study of Song and Yuan Dynasties); the migration of the southerners to the north of China; Yu Ji


    作者简介 邱江宁,文学博士,浙江师范大学人文学院教授、博士生导师,浙江师范大学江南文化研究中心教授;浙江 金华 321004

