人与技术伦理关系是当代技术哲学的前沿问题之一。应用技术伦理学和技术调解道德理论在人与技术的伦理关系方面都以自我为出发点,前者主张将人的道德伦理规则扩展到技术物,后者则将技术物纳入人的伦理分析范围。在技术他者性逐渐彰显的当下, 从技术作为他者的角度反思人与技术的伦理关系尤为重要。以列维纳斯对自我与他者间伦理关系的分析为基础,从伦理概念的原初意义上看,作为他者的技术与人的伦理关系体现在技术为人打开生存与行动的空间,道德伦理源于人与技术的交互,主客体关系在人与技术的交互中消解。在反思人与技术伦理关系时应当将技术作为他者而不仅仅是人类道德观念的承载体。
Technology as Others: New Thoughts on the Ethical Relationship Between Human and Technology
Chen Fan,Li Jiawei(Northeastern University)
Abstract The ethical relationship between human and technology is one of the frontier issues in contemporary philosophy of technology. Both ethics of applied technology and moral theory mediated by technology take self as the starting point in the ethical relationship between human and technology. The former advocates the extension of human moral ethics to technological items while the latter brings technological things into the scope of human ethical analysis. As the Alterity of technology gradually manifests, it is particularly important to reflect on the ethical relationship between human and technology from the perspective of technology as others. Based on Levinas' analysis of the ethical relationship between the self and the other, and from the original meaning of the concept of ethics, the ethical relationship between technology and human as the other is reflected in that technology opens the space for human to live and act. Moral ethics comes from the interaction between human and technology, and the subject-object relationship is dissolved in this interaction. Technology should be regarded as the other, not just the carrier of human morality, when reflecting on the ethical relationship between human and technology.
Key words technology; Levinas; human-technology ethical relationship
■ 作者简介 陈 凡,哲学博士,东北大学科学技术哲学研究中心教授、博士生导师;辽宁 沈阳 110819;李嘉伟,东北大学科学技术哲学研究中心博士研究生。