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马克思政治经济学如何引入历史性观念发布时间:2022-10-31  点击数:
作 者:刘同舫 张旭
摘 要:

历史性观念的在场作为马克思政治经济学的理论特质,其多维内容是马克思 在与以往政治经济学和思辨历史观的交锋中不断引入的。通过解构古典经济学以抽象个人为核心的原始状态假设,马克思揭示了经济范畴对现实生产活动的从属关系,将政治经济学研究的逻辑起点引向具体的历史基础;通过吸收黑格尔思辨哲学的历史感,马克思既强调资本主义生产方式存在的暂时性,又认可其扬弃封建主义生产方式的积极意义,将其存在理解为内蕴否定性的必然过程;通过反思历史学派的经验归纳方法,马克思强调研究或分析要首先从现象的完成形式入手,以从后思索的逆向研究方法对经济发展过程进行科学抽象。考察马克思的政治经济学对历史性观念的多维度引入,有助于我们深刻理解其历史本质与科学性质。


How Did Marx's Political Economy Introduce The Concept of Historicity

Liu TongfangZhang XuZhejiang University

Abstract As a theoretical characteristic of Marxist political economy, the concept of "historicity" was constantly introduced by Marx in his confrontation with the previous political economy and speculative historical views. By deconstructing the "primitive state" hypothesis of classical economics with abstract individuals as the core, Marx revealed the subordination of economic category to realistic production activities, and led the logical starting point of political economy research to the concrete historical basis. By absorbing the "sense of history" of Hegel's speculative philosophy, Marx not only emphasized the temporality of the existence of the capitalist mode of production, but also recognized the positive significance of sublating the feu‐ dal mode of production, and understood its existence as an inevitable process of inherent negation. By reflecting on the experience induction method of the historical school, Marx emphasized that the research or analysis should start from the completion form of the phenomenon first, and then carry out scientific abstraction of the economic development process with the reverse research method of "thinking from the back". The multi‐ dimensional introduction of "historicity" in Marxist political economy will help us to understand its historical and scientific nature deeply.

Key words      Marx; political economy; historicity


    作者简介 刘同舫,法学博士,浙江大学马克思主义学院院长、教授、博士生导师;浙江 杭州 310058;张 旭,浙江大学马克思主义学院博士研究生。
