Outline of Data Sovereignty Genealogies
Ran Congjing,Liu Yan(Wuhan University)
Abstract The birth of the Internet ignited the digital revolution and drove the rapid development of global political and economic civilization. The global and virtual nature of the network has eroded traditional national sovereignty, weakened the concept of territorial jurisdiction and political, economic, and cultural power of sovereign countries, and data sovereignty has emerged across physical space and cyberspace. Due to the ambiguity of its geographical boundaries, the categories of virtual space have evolved from internal sovereignty and external sovereignty, which are traditionally divided by national borders, to hard data sovereign‐ ty and soft data sovereignty, which are based on the strength of national coercive power. The genealogies of data sovereignty can be further constructed by taking these two as the starting point. The former includes the right to independence, equality, jurisdiction, and self-defense, while the latter, based on the right of governance, includes the right to formulate technical standards, the right to the governance of network culture, and the right to multilateral consultation and governance. The two have the basic characteristics of elasticity, hierarchy, duality, and complexity. Both are based on the fundamental principles of sovereignty, independence, equality, and the premise of global Internet sharing and co-governance. Building a data sovereignty genealogy aims to define subjects and norms, better safeguard the interests of the people and national security of sovereign countries, and actively seek strategic cooperation in digital space to achieve the multiple functional goals of data sovereignty such as security, economy, and efficiency.
Key words data sovereignty; sovereign genealogies; outline of sovereignty;sovereign characteristics; resilient sovereignty
■ 作者简介 冉从敬,管理学博士,武汉大学信息管理学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072;刘 妍,武汉大学信息管理学院博士研究生。