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中国国企“单位依赖”结构的生成演变及其改革调适发布时间:2022-09-02  点击数:
作 者:田毅鹏
摘 要:

长期以来,学界关于中国国企单位依赖现象的研究多持一种先入为主的批 判取向,将其归诸单位体制及组织与生俱来的痼疾。但事实上,在后发现代化国家赶超式的发展中,依托于大型组织的组织依赖乃是一种普遍存在的现象。这种组织依赖现象往往发生在大型组织内部,形成一种典型的体制制度性依赖。而我国在第一个五年计划时 期(下文简称一五)形成的国企典型单位制,以及由此而衍生出的单位依赖远远超出传 统单一的私人互惠式庇护和个体间互助,而带有典型的体制性保护和平均主义特点,在赋予单位共同体父爱温情的同时,也压抑了企业的发展活力。将“单位依赖”置于20 世纪晚期中国社会改革变迁的背景下,我们会发现单位依赖业已发生了结构变化和转型,旧有的依赖结构被打破,并赋予国企以发展动力,但也衍生出个人与组织关系疏离、企业归属感低下、干群关系紧张等问题。如何在赋予企业以发展活力、推进国企做大做强的同时,构建起和谐的企业内部关系,加强国企廉政建设,成为解决问题的关键。

关键词  国企单位;单位依赖结构;干群关系;国企廉政风险;企业归属感


The Generation and Evolution of "Danwei Dependency" Structure and Its Reform Adjustment In Chinese State-owned Enterprises

Tian Yipeng (Jilin University)

Abstract For a long time, academic researches on the phenomenon of "danwei dependency" in Chinese state-owned enterprises has usually held a preconceived critical orientation, attributing it to the inherent defect of the danwei system and its organization and also viewing it as an important reason for the decline of the danwei system. However, in the catch-up development of late modernized countries, "organizational dependence" relying on large organizations is a common phenomenon. This kind of organizational dependency often occurs within large organizations, forming a typical "system-institutional" dependence. The typical danwei system of SOEs was formed during the first five-year period and its resulting "danwei dependency" has gone far beyond the traditional single "private reciprocity" protection and inter-individual mutual assistance. This system has the typical characteristics of institutional protection as well as egalitarianism, which endows the danwei community with fatherly love and warmth and also suppresses the development vitality of the enterprise. However, putting danwei dependency in the context of social reforms and changes in China in the late 20th century, we find that "danwei dependency" has undergone structural changes and transformations. The old dependency structure has been broken and the state-owned enterprises have been given vitality for development, which however has also resulted in some problems, such as the alienation relationship between individuals and organizations, and a low sense of corporate belonging and tension relationship within cadres  and masses. Therefore, how to endow the enterprises with development vigor and promote them to become bigger and stronger has become the key to solving the problem of and building a harmonious internal relation‐ ship and strengthening clean governance in state-owned enterprises.

Key words state-owned enterprises; "danwei dependency" structure; cadre-mass relationship; integrity risk of state-owned enterprises; corporate sense of belonging


  作者简介 田毅鹏,法学博士,吉林大学哲学社会学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012
