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县域经济推动高质量乡村振兴: 历史演进、双重逻辑与实现路径发布时间:2022-09-02  点击数:
作 者:斯丽娟 曹昊煜
摘 要:



Promoting High-quality Rural Revitalization with County Economy: Historical Evolution, Dual Logic and Implementation Path

Si LijuanCao HaoyuLanzhou University

Abstract County economy is the elementary unit of China's national economic system. With the increasing status of agricultural and rural development in county economythe development and expansion of county economy has become a new breakthrough to solve the problems of "agriculturerural areas and farmers". From the perspective of grand historical viewcounty economy and rural development in China have experienced a long-term evolution from suppression to rapid unbalanced developmentand then to good state interaction. The economic spillover between county and township and the driving role of county economy in rural development have gradually become prominent. Theoreticallycounty economy can promote rural revitalization from such three aspects as urban-rural integrationeffective governance and green developmentand the two have common developmental goals and good coupling relationship in practice. To develop and strengthen county economies and promote high-quality rural vitalizationwe need to continue to consolidate and expand the achievements in poverty alleviation and rural vitalization, promote industrial integration and green development, balance urban and rural resources and public services based on the development of county developmentand deepen the overall leadership of Party organizations at all levels over rural vitalization from top down.

Key words   county economy; rural revitalization; poverty alleviation; county seat


  作者简介 斯丽娟,经济学博士,兰州大学经济学院教授、博士生导师;甘肃 兰州 730000

