西汉后期是汉代文学与文化转向的关键时期,扬雄是此期转向的代表人物。以扬雄的述作经历为线索,可以透视其人生轨迹与知识结构、价值追求三者的关联,推及西汉后期地方文化与京师宫廷文化对文人述作的不同影响。扬雄早年居蜀时期,作品“文似相如”,他的地方知识结构和人生价值追求,折射出蜀地重辞赋的文化风气。扬雄入京投靠外戚王氏,被荐为待诏后,待诏承明殿,奉诏作《甘泉》《河东》《羽猎》三赋,博涉经传、子史,知识承载量激增。任为郎官之后的扬雄,供职黄门,受宫廷郎官群体重经学、尚博通的文化氛围影响,转而深深认同儒家经学的价值主张,而中秘藏书为其提供了无限的智识资源,他最终 选择石室观书和个人著述来安顿人生的价值。扬雄的这种著述经历,大抵反映了西汉末年文人群体的整体动态。
The Relationship Between Literati and Environment In Late Western Han Dynasty
Centered on Yang Xiong's Experience
Hou Wenxue(Jilin University)
Abstract The late Western Han Dynasty was a critical period of the Han Dynasty's literary and cultural turn, and Yang Xiong was a representative figure of the turn of this period. Taking Yang Xiong's writings and experiences as clues, we can reflect upon the relationship between his life trajectory, knowledge structure and value pursuit, and deduce the different influences of local culture and capital court culture on the literati in the late Western Han Dynasty. Yang Xiong's creation during his stay in the place of Shu showed the early tendency of being "similar to litterateur Sima Xiangru". His local knowledge structure and his pursuit of life value reflected the regional cultural atmosphere of Shu, which was characterized by the advocating of fu. Yang Xiong then went to the capital to join the family of Wang, a relative of the emperor, and was raised as a Daizhao to serve in the Chengming Hall. He was soon ordered to write Ganquan fu, Hedong fu and Yulie fu, which were widely related to the Chinese classics, Zhuzi and history books, and his knowledge bearing capacity surged in these three works. After being a Lang, serving within Huangmen, Yang Xiong was influenced by the atmosphere of attaching importance to the study of classics and advocating erudition in the cultural group of Lang, and turned to agree with the value proposition of Confucianism. The Central Secret Books provided him with unlimited intellectual resources, and his final value pursuit was to read as many books of imperial literature as possible and write enough essays on Confucian principles. Yang Xiong's writing experience roughly reflected the overall state and dynamics of the literati group in the late Western Han Dynasty.
Key words late Western Han dynasty; fu; Confucian classics; Yang Xiong
■ 作者简介 侯文学,文学博士,吉林大学文学院教授、博士生导师;吉林 长春 130012。