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中国文学史著作空白叙事论发布时间:2022-09-02  点击数:
作 者:方长安
摘 要:



On the Narrative Gap of Chinese Literary History Works

Fang Chang'anWuhan University

Abstract At the beginning of the 20th century, various types of literary history books emerged in China and described the Chinese literary history with their narrative words, in which there exists a common phenomenon, that is, numerous writers' works and historical facts are absent. Similar to the Dark Matter in astronomy, which is a blank without a blank, this phenomenon, however, can be named the narrative gap, functioning as the implicit historical narrative. The narrative gap and the works and writers that appear in literary history books are like two sides of the same coin, as they refer to each other, explain each other, and transform each other, constituting an inner textual dialogue and transformation space. As a potential narrative, the narrative gap has four functions and values: replenishment, challenge, illumination, and canonization. From the perspective of genetic theory, the narrative gap in Chinese literary history works is the product of retelling  and reshaping the Chinese literary tradition in the context of Chinese society's transition from tradition to modernity, taking "modernity" as its basis and purpose. The narrative gap sheds light on how literary history works reveal the unique and complex historical nature of Chinese literature and provide a new horizon and possibility for the reflection and reassessment of Chinese literary history writing over the past century.

Key words Chinese literary history works; narrative gap; narrative; reflection on literary history writing; Lin Chuanjia (林传甲)


  作者简介 方长安,文学博士,武汉大学文学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072

