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黄河国家文化公园空间生产机理及其场景表达研究发布时间:2022-09-02  点击数:
作 者:陈波 庞亚婷
摘 要:

黄河国家文化公园承载国家记忆,汇聚多元文化符号,在承续国家文脉、坚定 文化自信、形塑文化认同等方面意义重大。作为我国原生性的新型公共文化空间概念,其理论研究与实证分析均存在广阔的空间与价值。运行机制方面,黄河国家文化公园形成了以空间生产为内生动力、场景表达为外在承载的齿轮式结构框架,具体可分为自然生态型、便捷参与型和传统赓续型三种文化场景模式,各场景模式内部亦形成了不同的维度组态。而整体场景模式聚类与黄河流域主要文化分区部分交叠,组团内部相似度较高,可增强原真性、保护度、活态化和多样性等维度舒适物的供给,构建跨政区合作机制,锚定群众获得感,通过场景营造进一步强化文化认同。


Space Production and Scene Manifestation of the Yellow River National Cultural Park

Chen BoPang YatingWuhan University

Abstract Chinese national memory and cultural symbols are integrated into the construction of the Yellow River National Culture Park, which is also meaningful for cultural inheritance, confidence and identity. As a new public cultural space concept native to China, its theoretical research and empirical analysis has a broad scope and important research values. In terms of working mechanism, the Yellow River National Park has developed a framework of gear structure, which takes space production as the internal driving force and scene manifestation as the external bearing, More specifically, this framework consists of three cultural scene models, namely, natural ecology scene, convenient participation scene, and traditional continuation scene; and the combination of scene dimensions is also classified. The clusters of scenes overlap with the culture zones of the Yellow River Basin, and each scene cluster has its own similarities. Cultural identity can be further strengthened through scene creation, which includes enhancing the supply of amenities in the dimensions of authenticity, conservation, liveness and diversity, building cross-reginal cooperation mechanism, and anchoring the public's sense of fulfillment.

Key words National cultural park; the Yellow River civilization; the production of space; scene manifestation


  作者简介 陈 波,管理学博士,武汉大学国家文化发展研究院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072;庞亚婷,武汉大学国家文化发展研究院博士研究生。

