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责任伦理视角下数字时代机器人养老服务治理发布时间:2022-06-28  点击数:
作 者:陈昫
摘 要:



Carebots' Services Governance in the Digital Era: A Study Based on the Ethics of Responsibility

Chen XuWuhan University

Abstract The development of artificial intelligence and population aging are two major social development themes in the digital era. Artificial intelligence helps carebots' services become mature, providing new opportunities, new technologies and new methods to solve the urgent problems of elderly care. The development of carebots' services is greatly hindered by problems such as unclear robot service responsibilities, vague ethic terms and imperfect norms in robot service. To explore the effective governance path of carebots' services, it is necessary to focus on the relationship between carebots and the elderly relevant to ethical and moral responsibility, and emphasize the responsibilities of carebots to support human rights of life and health of the elderly. We should clarify the problems of independence, authenticity, dignity and risks in the ethics of organization, process, result and influence. Moreover, we should also clarify the cultural responsibility and maintain dignity, revealing disponibility, perfecting functions, and improving the support competence so as to build a new ethical governance model of robot service. Therefore, it proves the importance to anchor the ethics of responsibility, and actively promote the development of diversified carebots' services, aging compatibility, coordination, standardization, healthcare and empowerment.

Key words      smart elderly care servicecarebotshealthy agingartificial intelligencethe ethics of responsibilitysmart healthcaredigital gappopulation aging


    作者简介 陈 昫,法学博士,武汉大学社会学院讲师,武汉大学全球健康研究中心特聘副研究员;湖北 武汉 430072

