Members' Rights from Farmers' Collective Membership To Legal Person Membership of Rural Collective
Wen Shiyang (Wuhan University)
Abstract "Farmer collective" and "rural collective economic organization" are not of the same concept. The former belongs to a gesamteigentum group in nature, but the relevant policy documents do not make a clear distinction between the two in terms of members' rights and interests. The property rights in the collective membership rights of farmers include the right to occupy and use collective land, the right to bene‐ fit from collective property, and the right to distribute the remaining collective property. The non-property rights include the right to participate in decision-making and the right to supervise. As a legal person member of a rural collective economic organization, farmers' collective members shall enjoy the right to vote and be elected, the right to subscribe for development shares, the right to take priority in undertaking projects, and the right of shareholders to appeal.
Key words farmers collective; rural collective economic organization; members' rights; self-benefit rights; common interest rights; property rights; non-property rights
■ 作者简介 温世扬,法学博士,武汉大学法学院教授、博士生导师;湖北 武汉 430072。